Hotel guests stay for a variety of reasons. Some of these are business travelers in need of a rest stop in between meetings. Others are vacationers looking for tourist attractions in the area. Some are meeting planners and attendees who have come to town for a meeting or event. Whatever motivates a guest to stay with you, one thing is certain: the experiences and amenities your hotel provides can make a significant difference in the growth of your business. As a result, we, the best 3-star hotel in Amritsar, have compiled a list of hotel amenity suggestions that any guest will appreciate. But first, let's get a better understanding of hotel amenities.
The definition of an amenity is "a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place," and the possibilities for hotels are endless. Toiletries and personal care products, such as hairdryers and shaving cream, are self-evident and should be available in every room. Coffee and tea-making facilities, as well as a mini-fridge and some sort of complimentary breakfast, are all expected. Other amenities include free Wi-Fi, a fitness center, free parking, and flat-screen TVs in rooms. But that's just the start.
The above-mentioned amenities are becoming increasingly commonplace, to the point where guests may no longer notice them. But that doesn't rule out the possibility of providing unique amenities.
It's all about the hotel customer experience at the end of the day, and amenities go along way toward making a guest's stay more enjoyable. And we being the best 3-starhotel in Amritsar leave no stones unturned. Not only are amenities like the ones listed below a great way to "wow" your guests, but they can also serve as a selling point and help shape your hotel's marketing strategy.
Discover 19 hotel amenity ideas to wow your visitors:
● Welcome gifts with a personal touch
This is one of the most straightforward hotel amenity ideas on the list, but it's also one of the most straightforward to implement. Create a personalized welcome gift based on what you know about your visitors. You probably figured out why they're coming (business, vacation, bachelorette party, etc.) and if they're traveling with family, kids, pets, or their partner during the booking process.
Have kid-friendly treats, toys, or books in the room if they're traveling with children. Prepare a small package of chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne for a couple's romantic weekend away. When they arrive, surprise them by having it waiting for them in their room.
● Snack items with a distinct regional flavor
Stock rooms with a basket of snacks and drinks from local businesses to give guests a taste of your city. It allows you to highlight your destination's uniqueness while also delighting guests with fun freebies. It's also a great way to promote and support your local small businesses. Consider offering other, more robust varieties of local food and drink as a for-purchase option if you have a grab-and-go snack station in your lobby or a coffee shop.
● In-room office spaces
During their stay, business travelers, event attendees, or planners may need to get some work done. As a result, provide welcoming and open coworking spaces for those who prefer to work in a "coffee shop" environment. Ensure that some rooms have desks for those who prefer to work in a quiet, private environment.
● Bicycles available for free
Consider investing in a fleet of bikes for guest use if your destination is bike-friendly. If you have the resources, consider offering a guided tour that departs daily or on weekends. It's a great way to encourage visitors to get active, go green, and take their time seeing the best parts of your city.
● Bartenders in the elevator or in the room
While they wait, surprise them with an in-elevator cocktail. Alternatively, for an additional fee, provide a personal bartending service in which a mixologist will come to their room and prepare drinks. A mixologist prepares drinks in-room at The Surrey in New York and leaves enough ingredients and tools for 4-5 drinks so guests can try their hand at mixing their own. It's a unique way to provide a personalized food and beverage experience while avoiding crowds and large gatherings.
● Workout equipment and classes are available in the room
In-room workout options allow guests to stay fit while staying in the comfort of their own rooms. In-room fitness options include a stationary bike, high-intensity interval training stations, and a fitness kiosk with workout videos and yoga classes at the best 3-star hotel in Amritsar.
● Soaps, toiletries, and other items can be personalized
It's sometimes the small details that make all the difference. The hotel castle view is the best 3-star hotel in Amritsar and can help guests choose from a variety of soaps. This allows guests to have their own personalized soap bars in their rooms. We take it a step further by allowing guests to personalize every aspect of their stay, from the fragrance to the lighting to the toilet paper and pillows.
● Deals that are unique
Give your visitors something they won't be able to get anywhere else. Take it a step further and offer discounts and packages based on their interests, such as coupons for their favorite stores and restaurant specials. Or, to show guests the best sights within walking distance of your hotel, organize your own complimentary walking tours or bar crawls.
● Rooftop bars or outdoor dining
If you have the space to create outdoor seating, a poolside cocktail bar, or a rooftop bar or restaurant, this is appealing to many, especially with lingering concerns about the safety of dining indoors. Rooftop bars are popular in urban areas, and they may entice more guests to dine at your hotel rather than go out and find another restaurant.
Don't just do what's expected of you. Go above and beyond in your efforts. Give guests amenities they will remember, share on social media, and tell their friends and family about. Hotel City Castle being the best 3-star hotel in Amritsar gives the guests all needed amenities that will make their trip a comfortable one! Book today!